Histamine Free Wine Choices for Better Health and Enjoyment

Rachel Lee
Written By Rachel Lee

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For many wine enthusiasts, finding a low histamine red wine means enjoying a good glass without the unwanted allergic reactions. Histamine, a compound found in various foods and drinks, can trigger symptoms like headaches and hives in sensitive individuals. Histamine free wines offer a solution, providing the joy of wine without the discomfort. Delving into these wines not only opens the door to symptom-free sipping but also introduces a new realm of wine exploration. This exploration of low histamine wines is a toast to health and happiness for those affected by histamine intolerance.

Understanding Histamine Intolerance and Its Symptoms

Histamine intolerance happens when the body can’t break down histamine properly. Histamine is a chemical that’s part of the immune system and helps with digestion and the nervous system. It’s also found in many foods, including some types of wine. When histamine levels get too high in the body, it can cause symptoms like headaches, runny nose, itchy eyes, hives, fatigue, and digestive issues.

Not everyone has problems with histamine, but for those with histamine intolerance, these symptoms can be uncomfortable. It’s different from an allergic reaction because it’s not the immune system overreacting to a threat. Instead, it’s about how the body handles histamine. The main enzyme that breaks down histamine in the body is called diamine oxidase (DAO), and some people have lower levels of DAO, which leads to histamine buildup.

The symptoms can range from mild to severe and they often show up within a few minutes or hours after eating or drinking something with a lot of histamines. It’s important to note that histamine intolerance is not very common, and if you have these symptoms, it doesn’t always mean you have the condition. If you think you might have histamine intolerance, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider. They can help figure out if histamine is the problem or if something else is going on.

The Science Behind Histamine Levels in Wine

The levels of histamine in wine can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of grape, the fermentation process, and the presence of bacteria.

During the wine-making process, histamine can be produced by lactic acid bacteria present on the grape skins and in the wine itself. These bacteria are part of the natural flora of grapes and can multiply during fermentation, especially in wines that undergo malolactic fermentation. This second fermentation process, which converts sharp malic acid into smoother lactic acid, is common in red wines and some full-bodied white wines, potentially leading to higher histamine levels.

low histamine wine

The science shows that histamine levels are generally higher in red wines than in white or rosé wines. This is because red wines have more contact with grape skins during fermentation, and the skins are where most of the bacteria that produce histamine are found. Additionally, wine storage conditions can affect histamine levels. Warmer temperatures can encourage the growth of histamine-producing bacteria, while cooler temperatures can help keep these levels in check.

It’s also worth noting that wine contains other biogenic amines, such as tyramine and putrescine, which can contribute to histamine-related symptoms. Those sensitive to histamine may experience reactions when drinking wines with higher histamine content, which is why understanding and choosing low histamine wines can be beneficial for them.

How to Identify and Choose Low Histamine Red Wine

Start by looking for wines that are labeled as “low histamine” or “histamine tested.” Some winemakers are aware of histamine intolerance issues and may provide this information on the label or their website.

Another clue is the type of wine. Generally, younger wines have lower histamine levels than aged wines. This is because histamines can develop and accumulate over time. So, opting for a fresher vintage can be a smart move.

Organic and biodynamic wines might also have lower histamine levels, as these winemaking practices often avoid the use of additives, such as sulfites, which can trigger histamine release. However, this isn’t a strict rule, and some natural wines may still have high histamine levels due to natural fermentation processes.

The winemaking process itself can influence histamine content. Wines that undergo malolactic fermentation, a process where tart-tasting malic acid is converted to softer-tasting lactic acid, can have higher histamine levels. If possible, try to choose wines that skip this process.

Certain grape varieties are associated with lower histamine content. For example, the Merlot grape is often said to have lower histamine levels compared to other reds. For white wines, opting for a Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc might be a safer bet, as they are typically lower in histamines.

Consider the alcohol content. Higher alcohol levels can exacerbate histamine intolerance symptoms, so wines with lower alcohol percentages are preferable.

The Relationship Between Natural Wines and Histamine Content

Natural wines, often celebrated for minimal intervention from vineyard to bottle, can also be a source of confusion when it comes to histamine levels. Unlike conventional wines, natural wines typically do not undergo the same level of processing, which includes minimizing additives like sulfites that can inhibit histamine production.

low histamine red wine

The natural winemaking process often involves native yeasts for fermentation and avoids fining and filtering, which can leave more biogenic amines, such as histamine, in the finished product. Histamine in wine is primarily a byproduct of the fermentation process. The longer the skins are in contact with the juice (maceration), the greater the potential for histamine development, especially in red wines.

Histamine content is not inherently tied to a wine being labeled as natural. However, the less manipulated the winemaking process, the more it relies on the natural yeast and bacteria present on the grapes and in the winery environment, which can contribute to varied histamine levels. It’s a delicate balance, as these microorganisms are essential for fermentation but also play a role in histamine production.

That said, not all natural wines have high histamine levels. The variance is wide, and some natural winemakers are proactive in reducing histamine content through careful vineyard and fermentation practices. These can include selecting grape varieties less prone to histamine production, maintaining cooler fermentation temperatures, and reducing maceration time.

The Best Red and White Low Histamine Wine Varieties

For red wine lovers, Pinot Noir is often recommended because it’s typically made with less skin contact during production, which means it may contain lower levels of histamines. Additionally, Merlot is considered a safer choice because it generally undergoes a similar fermentation process.

On the white wine spectrum, consider reaching for Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. These wines are typically fermented without the skins, leading to potentially lower histamine content. Moreover, they are often made in a style that doesn’t encourage bacterial growth – a factor that can affect histamine levels.

While no wine can be guaranteed to be completely histamine-free, these varieties are often better tolerated by those with histamine sensitivities. Individual reactions can vary, and other factors such as sulfite content and alcohol levels should also be considered when choosing a wine suitable for those with histamine intolerance. The key is moderation and knowing your own sensitivity levels to enjoy wine without discomfort.

Where to Purchase Low Histamine and Natural Wines

Finding low histamine and natural wines can be a bit of a treasure hunt, but with a little know-how, you can discover several options to enjoy your glass of vino without the worry of histamine-triggered reactions. Specialized online retailers are the go-to resources for these wines. They curate selections from producers who focus on low histamine and natural winemaking processes.

Websites like Dry Farm Wines, Natural Merchants, and Organic Wine Exchange offer a variety of low histamine wines. These platforms provide detailed descriptions and the origins of each bottle, making it easier for you to understand what you are drinking. They often feature wines that are organic, biodynamic, and free from added sulfites, which can be beneficial for those with histamine sensitivities.

Local health food stores or upscale supermarkets might also carry a selection of low histamine or natural wines. Stores like Whole Foods Market have been known to offer wines that cater to health-conscious consumers, including those seeking lower histamine options. Don’t hesitate to ask the wine section staff for assistance; they can be quite knowledgeable about the wines that suit your needs.

Wine clubs that focus on natural wines are becoming more popular. These subscription services can deliver a curated selection of low histamine wines right to your doorstep. They often provide tasting notes and producer profiles, which can enhance your appreciation and understanding of each wine.

While shopping for low histamine and natural wines, look out for certifications or descriptions that indicate the wine is made with minimal intervention. Terms like “organic,” “biodynamic,” and “natural” can be helpful indicators, but it’s important to ensure that the wine is indeed low in histamines since these terms do not guarantee low histamine levels.

Managing Your Histamine Bucket with Histamine Free Wine

Think of your body’s tolerance for histamines as a bucket; it can only hold so much before it overflows, leading to symptoms like headaches, stomach pain, or flushing. To manage this ‘bucket,’ it’s a good idea to keep track of what fills it up.

Foods and drinks, including certain wines, can add to your histamine load, but so can factors like stress, environmental allergens, and even temperature changes. To keep enjoying wine without discomfort, monitor your overall histamine intake. This could mean balancing out a glass of wine with low-histamine food choices, or choosing a day to enjoy wine when other histamine inputs are lower.

It’s also wise to pay attention to your body’s signals. If you’re experiencing symptoms of histamine intolerance, it may be a sign that your bucket is getting too full, and it’s time to ease off. Additionally, supporting your body’s ability to degrade histamine can help. This includes staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and possibly supplementing with vitamins and enzymes that assist in breaking down histamines, like vitamin C and diamine oxidase (DAO), although you should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Additional Tips for Enjoying Wine with Histamine Sensitivities

It might be helpful to drink wine with a meal rather than on an empty stomach. Food can help slow down the absorption of alcohol and may reduce the impact of histamine in the body. Additionally, staying hydrated is essential. Water can dilute histamine in the system, so alternating a glass of water with a glass of wine is a wise move.

Paying attention to the condition of your wine is also crucial. Oxidized wine, which happens when wine is exposed to air for too long, may have higher levels of histamine. So, make sure to keep your wine sealed properly, and if you notice a change in taste or a vinegar-like smell, it’s best to avoid drinking it.

It’s beneficial to be aware of other foods and drinks that are high in histamine, as they can contribute to overall histamine levels in the body. Foods such as aged cheeses, smoked meats, and certain fish are known to have higher histamine content. By moderating intake of these foods, especially when planning to enjoy a glass of wine, you can help keep your histamine levels in check.

Consider taking a histamine blocker or a supplement that helps degrade histamine, such as DAO enzyme supplements, before consuming wine. This can aid in breaking down histamine in the digestive tract, potentially reducing symptoms. However, always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for you.

Embracing a Histamine-Friendly Lifestyle with the Right Wine Choices

It’s clear that selecting the right wine is crucial for those managing histamine sensitivities. By understanding the impact of histamine in wines and how to identify low-histamine options, you can still enjoy the richness of a good glass without compromising your well-being. Remember to look for wines that align with your body’s needs and to consult with professionals if you’re unsure. With the guidance provided, you’re now better equipped to make informed decisions, ensuring that each sip contributes positively to your histamine-friendly lifestyle. Cheers to your health and the joy of finding the perfect, symptom-free wine match!